External Dacryocystorhinostomy under local anesthesia is not a favorite surgery among ophthalmologists. The two obvious reasons are pain and bleeding. Bloodless and painless DCR surgery under local anesthesia may be possible only in a perfect world but our patient as a living being bleed and feel pain. The aim is to achieve perfect DCR with minimum bleeding and minimum pain. Few steps to decrease the pain and bleeding outlined below.
1. Know your patient:
Fig: Bone anatomy for DCR
2. Pre-operative preparation –
3. Instrumentation
4. Know the bleeders
5. Local anesthesia
Fig: Nerve Block
Proper planning as such incision site, bone nibbling area, knowledge of anatomy, meticulously following each step and patiently dealing with bleeders (pressure, cautery or ligation)
will make DCR surgery less stressful. DCR surgery is another rewarding surgery only second to cataract surgery with visible results. With proper planning and execution, DCR can be happy surgery for both the surgeon and the patient.
Further Reading
Ali MJ, Naik MN, Honavar SG. External dacryocystorhinostomy: Tips and tricks. Oman J Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep;5(3):191-5. doi: 10.4103/0974-620X.106106. PMID: 23440476; PMCID: PMC3574519
Figure 1-http://www.oculist.net/downaton502/prof/ebook/duanes/pages/v8/ch002a/008f.html
Figure 2 -https://webeye.ophth.uiowa.edu/eyeforum/tutorials/retrobulbar-nerve-blocks.htm